Vintage French Inspired Christmas Tree Skirt

Is there anything better than handmade decor at Christmas? It’s such a magical time of year and I always feel like being surrounded by handmade items makes it so much more special. I’m so excited to be back for the Handmade Holidays Blog Hop and to be working with three fantastic sponsors this year– Buttons Galore, Iron Orchid Designs, and DecoArt. I created a Vintage Inspired Christmas Tree Skirt that is full of gorgeous buttons, metallic touches, and French inspired stamps.

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Vintage French Inspired Christmas Tree Skirt

I used:





Sew on buttons around the edge of the tree skirt. Lots and lots of buttons, lots and lots of stitches, but it’s worth it!

sew buttons to edge

Mix some Fabric Painting Medium and metallic paint together.


Paint the stamps with a brush. You don’t want a lot of paint on them–just enough to cover and it’s ok if the whole stamp doesn’t transfer each time. After all, we’re after the “vintage” look.

stamp with paint

Mix up the metallic paints depending on the stamp. I created a pattern with the stamps around the tree skirt.




I love the mixture of the bright and shiny buttons around the edge of the tree skirt coupled with the metallic stamped canvas.

sew on buttons

Vintage French Inspired Christmas Tree Skirt

The steps to make the Vintage French Inspired Christmas Tree Skirt are pretty easy. The most time will be spent sewing on the buttons. I suggest a comfortable chair! Stamping the skirt goes pretty quickly. Choose one stamp and color and go the whole way around the skirt before you switch to the next one.

Vintage French Inspired Christmas Tree Skirt

This Vintage French Inspired Christmas Tree Skirt works well with all sorts of Christmas decor–rustic, farmhouse, blingy, vintage…use some red and green metallic paint to make it more modern! The lights from the tree help the metallic paint shine and the buttons to sparkle. It’s the perfect tree skirt for my rustic glam Christmas style.

Vintage French Inspired Christmas Tree Skirt

Vintage French Inspired Christmas Tree Skirt

Vintage French Inspired Christmas Tree Skirt

Vintage French Inspired Christmas Tree Skirt

Thank you so much to all of the sponsors for this hop!


Please make sure you check out all of the awesome handmade holiday decor made by talented bloggers for this hop!


  1. That’s beautiful Albion. I love those stamps and buttons and thanks for the tutorial on mixing the paints. My mom made my tree skirt way-back-when (quilted and hand stitched!). My plan is to one day cut it up and frame parts of it, one for each child. Is that awful or a good way to pass on my mom’s handiwork?
    mary beth at MBZ interiors recently posted…Countdown Wish #10My Profile

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