Wood Slice Peony Wreath

If you were to describe a wreath as sweet, this wood slice peony wreath is the image that would come up. It’s so simple and pretty and absolutely perfect for spring decorating. The texture of the wood combined with puffy pink peonies is just lovely. This wreath only takes a few minutes to make and is so customizable–I love the peonies, but you can use your favorite flowers and it will still look great.

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Start by flipping over the wire wreath form so that the rounded section is on the bottom. This makes it easier to place the wood slices.

Lay out all of the wood slices to see the spacing and figure out where you’re going to put them.

Add lines of hot glue to the wire wreath form and press each wood slice down firmly onto it.

Repeat this process around the entire wreath form. I glued down a base layer of wood slices with spaces in between and then glued wood slices into those spaces for the second layer. You don’t need to solidly go around depending on how you’re going to place the peonies.

I didn’t need to use the wire cutters to remove my peony flowers from the stem, but they might be needed depending on the stems you use. I was able to just pop the flowers off. Add hot glue around the backside and press firmly onto the wire wreath form.

Repeat this until you have the desired flower amount.

Use the wire cutters (if needed) to remove sections of the lamb’s ear and add hot glue to place them on the wreath. I tucked the leaves all around the peonies.

This wood slice peony wreath is my current favorite. It’s so simple and so pretty–you can’t go wrong! I’ve never managed to do a lot of spring decorating, but I’m really loving how this wreath turned out.

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