Hand Painted Ceramic Christmas Trees

I’ve always loved ceramic Christmas trees and I’m so happy they’re popular again. I’ll admit, though, that I never considered that they were something people made or painted themselves. These trees have always been a part of my Christmas decorating and I was really tickled to find some plain ones that were crying out for personalization. These hand painted ceramic Christmas trees are an easy version of a decorating favorite and now I’m wanting to go paint a whole lot more.

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Paint the tree green. It took me three coats to get the coverage I wanted. For the final coat, I turned the tree on so that I could see any thin spots.

Once dry, I painted a layer of the galaxy glitter over the green. Once *that* was dry, I finished it off with a layer of the glitter Mod Podge. I wasn’t going to chance my tree not being glittery enough!!

Paint the base brown. Again, it took three coats for the coverage I wanted.

Because I ignored the holes as I was painting, I needed to clear them out so I could put the bulbs in. I found a little pokey thing (technical term!) and scraped out the holes. They needed to be completely clear for the bulbs to fit inside.

I am beyond tickled with how my hand painted ceramic Christmas trees turned out. They’re crazy glittery and are so pretty, especially when they’re lit up. I can just imagine people fighting over them in a thrift store in fifty years!

Because of the drying times and needing more coats of paint than I had originally intended, this took a bit longer to finish than I had thought. I can’t argue with the result, though, and I was able to work on other things at the same time (as my table can attest to!).

For a completely different kind of tree, try this felt Christmas tree scissors pouch!

Felt Christmas Tree Scissors Pouch



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