Easy Labelled Planter

Easy Labelled Planter

As you know, I’ve been trying my hand at gardening this year. I mostly just played around, but now I’m anxious to start working on next year’s garden. I’ve already been making lists and drawing plans of what and where I’m going to plant everything. With end of season sales, I figured I’d get a head start on my herb planters for next year.  My Easy Labelled Planter is such a quick project and you only need three things!

Easy Labelled Planter

I bought my ledge planter at JoAnn’s, but this project will work with other types, too. Other than an actual planter, you’ll need Hazel & Ruby’s Stencil-Mask in La Patessiere Alpha and a can of spray paint (I used Rustoleum in Sienna Mist).


This planter is for herbs, so I spelled it out with the stencil-mask.


I spray painted the planter with two coats.

spray paint

spray paint

I LOVE how cleanly the stencil-mask comes off. Nice, sharp lines every time.

take the stencil-mask off

That’s it! It was crazy easy to do, but adds that extra touch to my garden.  I couldn’t help myself and added dirt to it even though I can’t plant until spring. My Easy Labelled Planter is all ready to go! I have a few more planters to do–I just have to decide what I’m going to plant in them so I can label them!

herb planterherb planter

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