Holiday Anzus Biscuits

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MemoriesInTheBaking #CollectiveBias

No matter how hard we try to avoid it, the last few days leading up to Christmas always seem busy. The girls are off of school, but Scott is still working. We try to get those last holiday chores finished, the decorating done, food prep accomplished…it often feels like we just don’t have our act together. The one thing that we always manage to do as a family, though, is bake cookies. Baking Christmas cookies together is something that we always make time for and it has become integral to our holiday. I love that the act of baking together brings out memories of past holidays, and it’s still fascinating to me how different our Christmases were since we were raised in different countries, but we still share the memories of baking. As you know, we’re big fans of combining our traditions, and that holds true for our baking. Anzac biscuits are a common cookie in New Zealand and Australia, dating back to World War I with a history that is worth reading. We took the classic Anzac biscuit, tweaked it a little, and “Americanized” it to create Holiday Anzus Biscuits (Anzac + US–get it??).

Holiday Anzus Biscuits

I was able to find everything I needed at Target (minus the golden syrup, which can be found online, but we always have it on hand since it’s a New Zealand staple). The M&M’S® Holiday Baking Minis and Glad® Holiday Containers are easily found in the seasonal baking section of Target. The Quaker® Oats were with the oatmeal. Super easy shopping!

in-store shot


  • 1 cup Quaker® Oats
  • 3/4 cup flaked coconut
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons golden syrup
  • 3 tablespoons hot water
  • 1 cup M&M’S® Holiday Baking Minis
  • Glad® Holiday Containers



Preheat the oven to 350*.

Mix the oats, flour, sugar, and coconut together in a bowl.

mix dry ingredients together

Melt the butter and syrup together over low heat in a small saucepan. Stir frequently.

butter and golden syrup

When the butter and syrup are melted, add in the baking soda and water. It may froth, so be careful! Continue stirring until everything is mixed together and dissolved.

add baking soda

baking soda


wet mixture

Pour the butter mixture into the dry ingredients and mix.

mix together

Add in the M&M’s® when everything is mixed together. Don’t add them in too early or the butter mixture will melt them. Gently mix until they can be seen through the mixture.

final mixing

Grease a cookie sheet. Drop the dough by the spoonful onto the sheet, making sure to leave space between the cookies as they will spread during baking.

cookie sheet

Bake for 18 minutes. The cookies will have flattened out and be golden brown.

bake for 18 minutes

Packaging up the Holiday Anzus Biscuits is a piece of cake with Glad® Holiday Containers. They’re perfect for passing out to friends!





Before we started passing out cookies to our neighbors, we needed to stop for a taste test of our own!

taste test

Our Holiday Anzus Biscuits are quite literally Memories in the Baking for us. By combining the classic Anzac biscuit that Scott grew up with and the chocolate of M&M’S® that I know and love, we’ve created a new family memory for our kids to enjoy.

Holiday Anzus Biscuits

You can find more holiday recipes and ideas along with the great savings Quaker, Glad® and Mars have to offer at Target.

Holiday Anzus Biscuits


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