Kids' Clay Koru Necklace

Kids’ Clay Koru Necklace

Our girls are very proud of their New Zealand heritage. They tell anyone and everyone that they are part Kiwi. When Alli announced her Kids Crafts from around the World series, I knew immediately that we would make something New Zealand inspired. The koru is one of New Zealand’s iconic images in my mind and the girls jumped at the chance to make Kids’ Clay Koru Necklaces.

Kids' Clay Koru Necklace

Kids Crafts from Around the World

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We used:


We started by breaking the clay into pieces. It’s easy with Sculpey because it’s already divided up for you.

break the clay apart

The girls took their pieces and rolled them out into long, skinny lines.

roll it out

roll it out

roll it out

When they were all rolled out, we shaped them into korus.

twist into a koru

When our shapes were ready, I carefully transferred each one onto our baking sheet.

put korus on baking sheet

Since these were becoming necklaces, I poked a hole into the top of each koru.

poke hole at top


We baked our clay for 15 minutes at 275* F.

bake in oven

When the clay had cooled down, I created the necklace. Madeline was able to help me, but the other girls were a bit young for this part. We put jump rings through the holes in the korus, attached them to the chain, and closed the necklaces off with the clasps.

jewelry supplies

attach clasp

All of us love how the Kids’ Clay Koru Necklaces turned out. Each girl knew exactly which one was theirs and they’ve been so proud to wear a necklace representing New Zealand that they made themselves.

Kids' Clay Koru Necklace

Kids' Clay Koru Necklace

Kids' Clay Koru Necklace

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