Kids’ Snowy Terrarium Craft

There’s nothing I love more than making crafts with the girls. I have looked forward to them being old enough to craft me since before they were born. I had visions of afternoons with cookies, hot chocolate, Christmas movies, and crafts. We’ve had a few more cookies than crafts this year, but we have managed to make a few things together. My favorite so far this year is the Kids’ Snowy Terrarium Craft we made together.

Kids' Snowy Terrarium Craft

I’ve been obsessed with miniatures and terrariums for ages. It’s probably the little girl who was obsessed with dollhouses in me refusing to completely grow up. I usually have plenty of supplies on hand to make a little something. It was fun to go through my supplies and pick out what we were going to use. We ended up using:


We started with each girl choosing a house and painting it red. When it was dry, they added some of the glitter snow to the roof.

paint the houses

While the houses were drying, we picked out a wood slice that would fit in the lid. It was fun digging through the bag to find the right sizes. The girls painted the glitter snow onto the lid insert, placed the wood slice in the middle, and painted more glitter snow on top.

wood slice and glitter snow

wood slice and glitter snow

While the snow was still wet, they placed the houses on. We dabbed a bit of extra snow onto the trees and placed those on, too.



houses and trees

Next, they (I) placed the inserts in the lids carefully.


The girls couldn’t bring themselves to put the paint brushes down, so they painted the inside of the mason with some of the sparkle Mod Podge and glitter snow. When they were finished, we screwed the jars onto the lids.


I had intended the craft to be over at this point, but they pointed out that we had more things to play with and wanted to do something with the outside of the terrarium. I trimmed the tinsel twine so that it would fit around the jar in the groove under the lid. I painted the Mod Podge around it and the girls attached the twine.

tinsel twine

The girls were so proud of this craft. I can see us making many (many) more versions of it! We all had so much fun making this Kids’ Snowy Terrarium Craft. It has taken me a while to step back and let them make things in their own way and not get frustrated when it isn’t perfect. They ask me for help when they need it, but I have a lot of fun watching them being creative, messes and all.

the girls and their terrariums

I love that our house is being decorated with their touches. And these particular terrariums will be great as decorations all winter long!

snowy terrarium craft

Kids' Snowy Terrarium Craft

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