Yarn Wrapped Snowman

I don’t currently live in a place where it snows and I can’t say I’m happy about it. I love snow. If I can’t have real snow, though, I make up for it with my decorating. This yarn wrapped snowman came completely from my stash of craft supplies and was a lot of fun to put together. He’s great not only for Christmas but all the winter season.

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Start with the base, which is the wooden circle. Paint it white. I painted the bottom edge gold and then went over everything in the glitter Mod Podge. To add a bit extra, glue some tinsel where the white and gold colors meet. I didn’t do this until later, but it makes more sense to do it now.

Take the three styrofoam balls and cut the “top” and “bottom” off the bottom and middle balls. Only cut the “bottom” off of the head ball. I used a knife and it was super messy–use a foam cutter if you can. You want the flat bits to be able to stack nicely.

Glue the balls together to build your snowman, starting with the bottom.

I’m the first to admit that my styrofoam balls weren’t quite the right sizes–two of them were too close together. However, I used supplies that I already had and it didn’t turn out too badly.

Starting at the bottom of the snowman, wrap the yarn around each ball, working your way up and glueing it as you go. Finish with a swirl on the top of the head.

Every snowman needs a scarf. I crocheted mine by chaining 10 and using a basic double crochet until the scarf was as long as I wanted. If you don’t want to crochet, cut a piece of red felt to use as a scarf.

Take the black buttons and glue two onto the snowman’s front and two for eyes. Wrap the scarf around his neck–I used a straight pin to keep it in place.

I had an old felt carrot in my stash (totally random and I have no idea where it came from!). I cut a bit off and glued it on as the nose. If you can’t find anything like what I had, you can make a cone with orange felt and glue that.

To finish off the snowman, place or glue a tophat on his head. Again, mine came from my stash. It was a tophat ornament that I had picked up somewhere. I glued a sprig of pine and berries onto it to add more color and squashed the top part in a bit.

Is my snowman perfect? Nope, but what snowman is? He’s decently big and is fun decor all winter long. I made my yarn wrapped snowman with supplies I had on hand, but I’ve put as many similar items in the supply list as I could find. He’s the perfect cobbled-together winter craft, just like building a real snowman!

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