Crafty Resolutions

I have missed crafting so much at times that I’ve been in tears. One of my many goals this year is to solidly get back to it. I have more supplies than a store, am surrounded by inspiration and desire, and it’s time. As I’ve been working on the constant unpacking, decluttering, and organizing, I’ve come across all sorts of things that I’ve made that I had forgotten about. I honestly haven’t done any major crafting since about halfway through my pregnancy with Madeline when the pre-eclampsia hit and my fingers became so swollen that I literally couldn’t hold anything. I’ve done small projects off and on since then, but not nearly what I’d like. I’ve also started oodles of projects that I haven’t completed.

This year, I am going to complete the projects and gifts I’ve started. I have a corner of shame in my bedroom that has all of my incomplete crafts. This will mean that friends will be getting gifts that are  years late, but better late than never, right?

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I decided that I needed a little help to get me going, so I’ve signed up for a few online classes and workshops.

I’m registered for a variety of classes on Craftsy. I am going to complete this sweater by the end of the year and learn how to crochet.

I’m playing with Project Life again this year. I’m doing my yearly album along with an album of our travels and vacations.

I am so in love with Brave Girls Club and going to one of their retreats is on my lifetime wish list. I registered for one of their online art journaling classes, The Walk. I have my supplies and can’t wait for it to start.

I love The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery’s samplers. I’m doing their yearly sampler, Once Upon a Time. Cross stitch and fairy tales–perfect, right?!

I’m doing something totally new and have signed up to do Spark Your Love and Home. I have seen such fun things come out of the Spark workshops on Instagram and can’t wait to see what’s in store.

The biggest craft investment I’ve made is the decision to attend SNAP! again. I didn’t make the most of it last year, but I’m determined to get all I can out of it this year. I’m excited to see friends, meet new people, and be surrounded by inspiration, opportunities, learning, and fun.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that my craft area isn’t organized or totally unpacked yet. In fact, it’s the messiest corner of the basement. I have discovered that I have a very difficult time working if an area isn’t clean, so I’m working hard to get my area usable for me. As I’m going through everything, I’m finding so many more things to do and have so many ideas and desires that I’m overwhelmed at times. It’s a good problem to have and I’m excited for the opportunities waiting for me in my own basement. (Have I mentioned that I’m excited for this year enough yet?!) *Maybe* I’ll finally be in a position to get my long dreamed for shop up and running by the end of the year, but if not, at least I’ll have other crafty goodness to show off.

What crafty resolutions have you made this year?



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  1. My one and only crafty resolution of the year is to make something beautiful with my hands each week-whether big or small. I have quite a few incomplete craft projects in my closet and I’m really trying to finish something for a change. Your post has really inspired me to keep pushing! And thanks for sharing all the links, too. I want to sign up for classes on Craftsy now 🙂 The cake decorating one is calling my name!

  2. Good on you! I really want to finish up a cross stitch cushion that I’ve been working on, on and off, for the last year. I’d also like to get my Dalek cross stitch framed, although it’s more the knowledge of how much it’s going to cost that is putting me off.

    I do also have a couple of scarves that need finishing…ends weaved in, a fleece backing applied to one, and some crochet flowers applied to another. Oh! Once you get the hang of making a simple crochet chain you can easily master the other stitches. They all build logically on you being able to do a basic chain. I find crochet a lot more satisfying than knitting, and it’s easier on the wrists/hands, too!
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  3. My craft resolution for this year is to complete my first granny square blanket. I learned how to make granny squares in the beginning of the year and I am determined to have a completed blanket that I can snuggle up with next holiday season. Stopping in from #SITSBlogging.
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  4. That sounds like a great plan! I’m always struggling to finish up crafty gifts. I think I have about 5 hats to make in my queue. I’m also *attempting* to start Project Life, but opted to do it digitally so I don’t end up with tons of clutter floating around. Would love to your progress on organizing and the projects! #SITSBlogging
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