Holiday Elf Door

Holiday Elf Door

We are huge elf fans in our house (our elf is named Sparkly Hearts!) and are firm believers that we need to make sure they know that they’re welcome to come in. I thought that making a Holiday Elf Door would be perfect! It can go anywhere in or outside the house and you can easily decorate it in the look you want with DecoArt paints. This post first appeared on the DecoArt blog.

Holiday Elf Door

I used:

door and paint

DecoArt Color Stain

Stain the arch (now a door!) in the Chocolate.

stain the door in brown

Get your paintable frame ready. Pop out the insert, paint it white, and set it aside to dry.

doorplate supplies

You’ll be using the three remaining stains for the frame.

doorplate supplies

Stain the frame white.

stain the frame white

Add holly berries.add berries

Paint green holly leaves. Let everything dry.

add holly leaves

Grab your pinecones and dip the tops into the white stain.


dip the pinecones

Brush off any excess stain and sprinkle on glitter. Let dry.

remove excess stain

add glitter

Tie twine around the base of the pinecones so that they’re strung in a line.

tie twine around the pinecones

Glue the end of the twine to the back of the frame. Glue the frame to the door.

glue twine to back of frame

glue frame to door

Add some touches of bronze to the door for that aded bit of shine and depth.

add metallic details

add metallic details

Paint the door plate. You can make it a window or a sign. I thought it was appropriate to give the elves their own space!

paint the doorplate

Attach the knob. I drilled a quick hole and inserted the knob.

Holiday Elf Door

Our Holiday Elf Door is a super fun addition to our holiday decor and I know that my girls are going to get a huge kick out of it. I can just imagine our elf peeking out of it from time to time! It’s a totally easy and customizable project with DecoArt!

Holiday Elf Door

Holiday Elf Door


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