Skincare Tips while Traveling

Who doesn’t love traveling? You get to discover new places, try lots of good food, make lasting memories, and even score a few OOTD and picturesque shots for the ‘gram. However, it is so easy to get caught up in the day’s activities that we sometimes tend to neglect our skincare. While traveling means you get to take a break from your responsibilities – albeit temporarily! That doesn’t mean you end up leaving your skincare in the dust. You definitely don’t want to end up with a case of acne flare ups or skin as dry as the desert. Here are a few things to keep in mind while you travel to ensure your skin is in tiptop shape. 

Hydration Is Key

Know how your skin tends to get dry while you travel? That’s because all methods of travel – whether it be plane or otherwise, can be dehydrating to your skin. The air tends to get drier because humidity drops, which in turn, dries out your skin. You can thank the artificial air that’s circulating in those vehicles for that.

The solution? Hydrate yourself both internally and externally. This means chugging half your weight in water, keeping moisturizers handy, maybe even applying a sheet mask or two, and staying away from alcoholic beverages, at least while you are in transit. 

Don’t Pile on the Skincare Products

Just because your skin gets drier while traveling doesn’t mean you have to pile on different oils, serums, and moisturizers onto your face. You are not doing your skin any favors on this one. In fact, that’s a one-way ticket to clogging your pores or triggering an acne breakout. Which brings us to our next point. 

Maintain Your Usual Skincare Routine

One of the reasons why our skin acts haywire is the change in our use of products. That said, when traveling, try to bring your usual arsenal of skincare products. Or if it’s that extensive, then narrow it down to your essentials. Essentials as in the items you absolutely can’t leave out in your skincare routine.

Pack Travel-Size Versions of Your Skincare Products

If you’re using industrial sized bottles and creams at home, you might want to look for the travel sized version of your skincare products. That way you don’t have to lug around your bathroom’s entire contents, your skin doesn’t have to adjust to new skincare products, and you can enjoy the rest of your trip in peace. It’s a win-win situation. And if travel sizes aren’t available, then get creative and look for supply or craft stores that sell container bottles. 

Try to Avoid Using Hotel Toiletries

Those lovely little hand soaps and bottles of shampoos and lotions in your hotel bathroom may be adorable. But they’re not exactly the best one to use, especially if you’ve got sensitive skin. These items may irritate your already aggravated skin and could lead to breakouts. If you are traveling light, then it helps to look for convenience or grocery stores that do sell your usual toiletries. 

Skip the Makeup Wipes

Let’s face it; makeup wipes are convenient. When you’re tired and can’t be bothered to get up, makeup wipes come in handy. However, they are not really capable of breaking down your makeup and thoroughly cleansing your face from the gunk and oil it has accumulated within the day. Hate to break it to you, but makeup wipes just mostly move your makeup around. 

If you want something that can really deeply clean your face, try the double cleanse method. You would first use an oil-based facial cleanser before following it up with your typical foam cleanser. Or if it really can’t be helped, at least wash your face after using a makeup wipe.  

Sunscreen Is a Must

The importance of applying sunscreen cannot be stressed enough. You should make it a habit to slather copious amounts of SPF everyday, not just when you’re headed to the beach. The sun’s rays can take a toll on your skin and speed up skin aging. If you’re riding a plane, then its effects are all the more magnified because you are closer to the sun. Unless you’d rather your skin shrivel up easily, don’t forget to apply sunscreen even while traveling. 

Keep Your Blood Flowing

If you are anticipating a long travel time ahead of you, remember to get your body moving from time to time. If you are riding a plane, walk a few times around the cabin to get your blood flowing. The same goes if you are taking the train. For those traveling by car, make stopovers so you can stretch your legs. 

The lack of movement causes your body to retain water, which causes puffiness. And while you’re at it, you might also want to take it easy on those salty snacks. Yep, that means saving the chips for later.  

Taking care of your skin while traveling doesn’t have to hinder your plans or prevent you from having fun. These tips help you keep your skin in good shape so you can look your best. Also, remember not to dwell on them too much, traveling is supposed to be for relaxation!

You can also check out some travel tips to help you plan a stress-free trip!

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