Easy Tips to Tweak Your Skincare Routine for Summer

Winter can wreak havoc on your skin making it parched and dry, but summer is the worst season for your skin. The wind, sun, and water can all damage your skin and cause issues you normally don’t have. Extreme sweating can clog your pores and cause major breakouts. The sun has harsher UV rays which can cause sunburns and sun damage. The salt from the ocean can dehydrate your skin and cause flaking or even breaks in the skin. As if that is not enough, oil from sweat can cause your makeup to run or worse, break down. Summer may be fun for you, but it is not fun for your skin. We’re sharing some easy tips to tweak your skincare routine for summer–you’ll thank me later!

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Use a Peel or Mask at Night

Using a peel or mask that is rich in lactic or glycolic acid can reduce oil and keep huge breakouts from happening. It is important to do it at night because peeling or scrubbing away a layer of skin in the morning will make your skin more susceptible to damage during the day. Do it at least once a week but no more than twice a week.

Don’t Use the Heavy Stuff

In the winter we need heavier moisturizers, etc., to hydrate our skin. In the summer those same products can cause oiliness. It is best to lighten not only your products but your layers as well. If your skin still feels dry add a few drops of oil, such as Argan Oil, to your moisturizer.

Use Sunscreen

This one is a big ol’ DUH and I really hope you’ve already said it to yourself. You already use sunscreen for your skin, but for the love of everything please don’t forget your face. Not only in the summer, but the winter too. Opt for products that have at least a 30SPF (although we use 50 SPF with no regrets). Don’t forget your lips. Swap out your lip gloss with a lip balm that has sunscreen in it.

Don’t Overdo Your Foundation

We all have our favorite foundation, but that foundation could cause you problems in the summer. It can melt, streak, and run. Using a light-weight primer underneath will help with that. Also, if possible, apply your foundation with a fibre-duo brush so you don’t apply too much. Add a little setting powder and it will help your foundation last longer. Also, spritz on a little setting spray if you want. Not only does it make you feel refreshed, but it also helps with setting your makeup.  If you are going to be outdoors and know you will sweat a lot, just skip the foundation all together and put on your sunscreen.

Don’t Forget the Blotting Papers

If you are going to be sweating a lot, these won’t help but if you are just running from your car into a store, blotting papers are a great way to soak up oil and sweat. It will give you a great matte finish without ruining your makeup. A lot of celebrities use blotting papers on the red carpet and on stage because of the heat from the lights. I know some people consider them old-fashioned or a gimmick, but I swear by them. Tuck them in your purse and you’ll be surprised how often you reach for them.

Fight Pigmentation

If you have pigmentation it can get worse in the summer. It will become darker and a lot more noticeable, no matter how hard you try to stay out of the sun. Add an anti-pigment serum to your routine to help with this. Also, whatever you do, don’t leave the house without your sunscreen. Yup, that again.

Use Your Retinol

Retinol can make your skin sensitive to the sun, so when using it make sure you are wearing at least a 30SPF sunscreen. A lot of people are afraid to use Retinol in the summer, but you don’t have to be. They even out the skin, exfoliate, and help repair sun damage. Put it on at night so you can get the full benefit.

Check Your Products

You should be replacing your makeup and skin care products at least twice a year, even if you haven’t used all of them. Bacteria can be introduced into your makeup and skincare which can lead to break outs, blemishes, and bacterial infections. It is best to toss any products that are over 6 months old twice a year. The beginning of summer is a great time to do this because it can reduce a lot of the issues that are associated with summer skin.

If you notice that even with all the tweaks your skin is getting worse in the summer, visit your dermatologist to make sure there is not an underlying condition. Pay attention to your skin because it can alert you to health issues even before the first symptom. I hope these easy tips to tweak your skincare routine for summer help you have the best summer ever!

While you’re pampering yourself with an evening mask, sip on one of these yummy summer cocktails!

20 Summer Cocktails with Herbs


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