
Annie’s Striped Afghan Month Three

I’m obviously behind on my striped afghan project, both in actually making it and posting it. Life does that sometimes! I’m working on catching up but I have to admit that I found month three much more difficult and slow-going. I felt like the difficulty level of the stitches jumped and they took me much longer to complete. I managed in the end, though, and am mostly happy with the end result. This is my Annie’s striped afghan month three update.

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Month three is the start of all repeat colors from the previous months, so even though I got three new skeins, I was able to use remnants I already had.

The first stripe looked easy enough at first, but it was deceptive and I’m still not positive I got it all right. Usually I can easily continue on after watching the first few stitches in the video, but I had to keep going back for this one. My edges got rather unwieldy and I’m just hoping that it’s not going to cause huge problems when it comes to the border.

The first stripe was nothing compared to the second, though. This was by far the most difficult I’ve done so far. It was harder to figure out the right color with all of the changes and the video using a different color scheme. I had to go back and forth between the picture in the pattern and the video itself much more than I’ve had to before. For comparison, I completed each of the first two months in a day, but it took me a day to complete each stripe this time. Again, I don’t think it’s completely right, but it’s close enough.

The final stripe came as a relief. It was smaller and didn’t feel as difficult after struggling through the previous two. I had a much bigger feeling of accomplishment after finishing month three. I’m not sure I could do any of these stitches again without help, but that’s the great thing about having access to the videos.

My striped afghan is starting to feel like it really will turn into a blanket. Hopefully I’ll be able to catch up fairly easily and have it finished for Christmas, which was the whole reason I chose this colorway.

You can see what afghan kits and colorways are currently being offered here. They’re in and out of stock, so if there’s something in particular you’re after, reach out to Annie’s to see what the status is.

Annie’s Striped Afghan Month Three is in the books! You can check out how Month One and Month Two went to see the differences in the stripes.

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