Bright and Fluffy Yarn Weaving

Bright and Fluffy Yarn Weaving

You know that I can never pass up an opportunity to stretch my creative legs, so when my friend Tina announced a new weaving collaboration, I was instantly in. I had started one project, but couldn’t get it quite right. I came home from Snap inspired and with a suitcase full of crafting supplies that were screaming to be used. As you know, I’ve been slowly working on transitioning Matilda’s room from a nursery to a little girl’s room, and I’m making bits and pieces here and there. When I saw the colors I had collected, inspiration struck and my Bright and Fluffy Yarn Weaving was born. After you read about what my weaving, make sure you click on all of the links at the bottom of the post so you can check out what the very talented artists in this collaboration have made.

Bright and Fluffy Yarn Weaving

Artist Weaving Collab

I gathered my loom and some squishy yarn. Most of the yarn I used came from Boye at Snap. I also used their flower loom. I added in some sticks that the ladies at the DecoArt booth let me have that were painted in their new Neon Brights and a key that I got in my Michael’s bag at one of the dinners.


I wouldn’t call myself a weaver. In fact, as much as I’ve played around with it, this is the first weaving I’ve actually finished. I keep trying to double check that I’m using the proper terms when I describe something. If I don’t, please feel free to (kindly!) correct me. (Deep breath) So, I started by creating my warp.

string the loom

I love tassels and wanted big ones. I’m not sure that I could have gotten bigger than this white yarn! I did a row across the bottom.


From there, I just started playing with my yarn. I didn’t do any crazy stitches. The entire weaving is basically the same, only with some places going over one and others over two.

weaving progress

weaving progress

I added in the sticks every once in a while.

add in sticks

I found the most beautiful sparkly roving in my stash and really wanted to add it in. I have no idea what I originally bought it for, but I’m so glad I did!

sparkly roving

sparkly roving

I wanted my weaving to have a couple of different elements added in, so I attached the key to one section and created a flower with the flower loom for another. I *might* be addicted to making yarn flowers now.

flower loom

yarn flower

yarn flower

When I pulled my weaving off the loom, I kept expecting it to fall apart on me. I had so much fun creating it, but I had never gotten this far with a weaving before and I assumed that something would go wrong. It totally worked!! The poles went in just fine and the entire weaving held together. All I needed to do for my Bright and Fluffy Yarn Weaving was trim the ends.

Bright and Fluffy Yarn Weaving

Bright and Fluffy Yarn Weaving

I love this piece and I love how it looks on Matilda’s wall. I find myself looking at it and just enjoying what I’ve made.

Bright and Fluffy Yarn Weaving

I do believe finishing my Bright and Fluffy Yarn Weaving has given me a full blown case of Weave All the Things. I had such a fantastic time with this and can’t wait for our next collaboration!

Bright and Fluffy Yarn Weaving

Please check out all of these fantastic creations!

Martha Richardson

Beth Soler

Albion Gould

DeeDee Catron

Tina Walker

Laura Mooney

Robyn Crowningshield

Mitra Pratt

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  1. I love so many things about your weaving Albion! It is so perfect for your daughters room! Precious!

  2. There is nothing more pleasing than being able to enjoy the fruits of one’s labor and I’m sure your daughter will enjoy your creations as well. I love the contrast of the chunky white fluffy yarn with the other colors… especially the flower. I have one of those doohickies and I didn’t even realize that’s what it does. My next weaving will certainly have some flowers. 🙂

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