Gingerbread White Russian Cocktail

If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that I love seasonal food and drinks. Today I’m going to claim gingerbread as my latest seasonal treat, but I’m going to put it in cocktail form with a Gingerbread White Russian. I love gingerbread in basically all its forms and if you’re a fan too, this drink is for you! (You know it’s going to be good when you get a free rhyme in the recipe intro!) Enjoy this super simple but ohhhh so good drink on your own or with your friends.


  • 2 oz. Kahlua
  • 1 oz. vanilla vodka
  • ¼ tsp ground ginger
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon
  • 1 ½ oz. heavy cream or half and half
  • cinnamon sugar, cinnamon sticks, and gingerbread men for topping (I say this is optional, but you know it’s actually necessary for the overall experience of this drink!)

Servings: 1

Total Time: 5 minutes


Wet the rims of each glass with a little water and dip into the cinnamon sugar (you know how much I love a rimmed glass!!).

Add about a handful of ice into each glass and add in the kahlua, vodka, and spices. If you’re not a massive ice fan, you can chill all of the liquids first and skip the ice.

Add in the cream and stir to combine (go ahead and use the cinnamon stick if you want to garnish that way!).

Top with a cinnamon stick (if it’s not in the glass already) and a gingerbread cookie (or three–I don’t judge!). Dip the cookie for added yumminess or just crunch it in between sips.

If you really want to go all out, make these Gingerbread Reindeer Cookies from Major Hoff Takes a Wife.

You know how much I love sharing cocktails and this Gingerbread White Russian would go really well as a drink option at your holiday cookie exchange. I’m just imagining a group of friends sitting around a fire with yummy cookies and cocktails and enjoying holiday togetherness. Ahhhh.

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