Rainbow Painted Kitchen Table & Chairs

Rainbow Painted Kitchen Set

We’ve been on an ongoing mission to make our house lighter, brighter, and more colorful. While we’re doing that, we need to make sure it’s kid-friendly. Our kitchen is dark and we’re limited on what we can do with it right now (i.e. we can’t replace the current black granite countertops at the moment), but during a wander at IKEA, the perfect kitchen table jumped out at us and we couldn’t pass it up. With a bit of paint, our kitchen has become a much happier place.

Rainbow Painted Kitchen Table & Chairs

We weren’t looking for a table, but Scott and I walked past the Nornas and both stopped at the same time. It isn’t often that we both have the same immediate reaction to a piece of furniture, so it was definitely worth checking out.

IKA Nornas table

While we liked the bench, we decided that the Ivar chairs would be the most practical for our family. We got six chairs to live at the table and three for the girls’ desks that would also double as kitchen chairs when we needed them. It didn’t take long at all to build it all. After that, it was a matter of deciding what colors to paint everything.

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built table

It didn’t take much discussion for the girls to decide on “rainbow” as our color. I had been waiting for the perfect project to try DecoArt’s new Americana Decor Maxx Gloss paint on, and I suddenly had the chance to try out a bunch of colors. We decided to paint each chair a different color. The girls each chose which color they wanted, and I filled out the rest with as much of the rainbow as I could. We decided on two different blues because Pippi and Madeline both have blue as their favorite color, but different shades, so this way we were able to keep the peace (and I like both blues, anyway!). For the chairs, I used Maxx Gloss in Candy Apple, Orange Slice, Lemon Spritzer, Jungle Leaf, Caribbean Sea, and Sapphire.

Maxx Gloss Colors

Maxx Gloss Colors

This was an incredibly easy paint to use. It went on evenly and quickly. I did three chairs at a time, working my way around. By the time I finished the third chair, the first was ready for its second coat.

painted chairs

painted chairs

painted kitchen chairs

For the table itself, we decided on white legs and a clear varnish for the top. I used Maxx Gloss in White China for the legs and Americana Decor Light Satin Varnish for the top.

Light Satin Varnish

I put three coats of the varnish on the top. I let each coat dry before putting the next on. When I thought it was ready, I tested it with some water and it worked perfectly.

shiny shiny varnish

water test

water test

In between coats of varnish, I painted the legs and sides of the table white.


I couldn’t wait for everything to be dry and ready to be together. And honestly, it didn’t take long!

Rainbow Painted Kitchen Set

Rainbow Painted Kitchen Set

Rainbow Painted Kitchen Set

I honestly can’t choose a favorite color! I love every single one separately and together. This turned out to be the perfect kitchen set for our family. The girls each have their own chair now and there aren’t any more battles at meal times. Our kitchen is light and bright. We’re finding ourselves at the table constantly. In fact, I’m typing up this post while sitting in the green chair!

Rainbow Painted Kitchen Set

Rainbow Painted Kitchen Set

Rainbow Painted Kitchen Set

Rainbow Painted Kitchen Set

I couldn’t be happier with how our Rainbow Painted Kitchen Set turned out. It has made our kitchen a functional and happy room. The table and chairs are super easy to wipe down and keep clean and I can’t get over how the colors pop. Everyone in the family loves our new kitchen table and chairs, and I can’t ask for more than that!

Rainbow Painted Kitchen Set

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  1. I love it of course (since our kitchen table is lime green!). When we were remodeling the kitchen 4 years ago, our kids were grown and I was going to do empty nester sophisticated but then thought “we’re old but not dead”. Since family still gathers in this house, it had to be happy colors for me in the nook. Your kitchen reflects those cute happy girls you have.
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