Try the 7-Day Switch Up with Viva® Vantage®

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With four kids, it can sometimes feel like I don’t do anything but clean, and it’s never good enough. I’m always looking for ways to cut down on the amount of time I spend cleaning. I’ve been in such a rut, so when I was given the chance to create sponsored content for the Viva® Vantage® 7-Day Switch Up, I jumped at it.


I started in my kitchen. I’m constantly wiping down counters. It used to take me three (or more!) paper towels per counter to clean them. I’d wipe them down, use another to dry them, and then another to try to get rid of the streaks. As part of my switch up, I discovered that it only took one Viva® Vantage®. Not only that, but I’m not talking about one per counter–I mean one for the entire kitchen! I also started putting sheets in baggies with the fruit my girls took in their school lunches. They never finish an entire apple, for example, and the remaining bits would come home dry and gross, while their lunchbox would be wet from all the juice that left the fruit. With Viva® Vantage®, the girls wrapped it around the apple they couldn’t finish, pulled it out after school, and were able to finish it because it had kept the moisture! So much better than sending a regular napkin.

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I recently attended a live event to kick of the Viva® Vantage® 7-Day Switch Up. It was a gorgeous fall day in Chicago and we were hosted at a lovely apartment in the city. Everything was decked out with Viva® Vantage®.

Viva® Vantage®

One of my favorite bits of decor were the rolls of Viva® Vantage® on the candelabras. Super cute!

Viva® Vantage®

We were all given a gift bag with an apron to wear.

gift bags



I loved listening to the different ways women had used Viva® Vantage®. One of my favorites was hearing how someone had used Viva® Vantage® to hold loose leaf tea. I can never find a strainer and I can tell you right now that I’ve used this tip multiple times this week already and it’s worked perfectly!

Viva® Vantage® Live Event

We were broken up into two groups–one to see how we can use Viva® Vantage® with food and the other to see how well it cleans. With four kids, you know I was especially interested in the cleaning! We were each given a glass and a sheet of Viva® Vantage® to clean it with. You can hand wash and dry wine glasses and other stemware using the cloth-like texture of Viva® Vantage® for a sparkling finish. And they truly are cloth-like! My mother-in-law tells the story of accidentally washing and drying a sheet of Viva® Vantage® with a load of laundry and it coming out good as new.


cleaning the glass

Viva® Vantage® claims to be the only lint-free paper towel on the market, and it truly is. I used to get so frustrated with drying glasses, but not anymore!

Viva® Vantage®

When we headed back to the kitchen, we got to munch on the amazing spread that was laid out for us while we made caramel apples and discovered first hand how easy it is to clean and prep food with Viva® Vantage®.

Viva® Vantage®


Viva® Vantage®

Viva® Vantage®

For the caramel apples, we simply took a sheet of Viva® Vantage®, cleaned the apple with it, and then dipped. Super easy and there wasn’t any waxy residue or lint on the apple. Also, just in case you’re ever driving in your significant other’s car while eating a caramel apple you made earlier, a sheet of Viva® Vantage® will take care of any evidence!

Viva® Vantage®

Viva® Vantage®

Viva® Vantage®

caramel apples

Chicago bloggers are a fun group to hang out with, and when there’s a photo booth around, you never know what’s going to happen.

photo booth

photo booth

photo booth

The stretchy-strength and great scrubbing power of Viva® Vantage® has me completely converted. I want to challenge you to try the 7-Day Switch Up for yourself! Try some of these tips!

1. You know how I said I can never find a tea strainer? The same goes for a colander! Place veggies or fruit on a sheet of Viva® Vantage® paper towels under a running faucet and it will act as a strainer; the stretchy-strength will keep the towel intact when wet.

Viva® Vantage®

Viva® Vantage®2. Keep lettuce fresh longer by wrapping a paper towel around a head of lettuce to soak up excess moisture.

3. Hand wash and dry wine glasses and other stemware using the cloth-like texture of Viva® Vantage® paper towels for a sparkling finish.

Viva® Vantage®4. Use the great scrubbing power of Viva® Vantage® paper towels to properly clean mushrooms, potatoes, etc. No more need for separate scrubbers to clutter up your kitchen drawers!

5. Need to chill a drink quickly? Don’t dilute it with ice; wrap a damp paper towel around the bottle and put in the freezer to chill rapidly.

6. Slip a damp paper towel under your cutting board to prevent it from shifting while slicing and dicing.

7. Need to get that grime off your stove? The great scrubbing power of Viva® Vantage® paper towels allows you to clean the toughest messes and restore your kitchen’s shine.

Viva® Vantage®

For more great ideas of ways to use Viva® Towels for cleaning and general use around the house, check out the Viva® Vantage® website to try the 7-Day-Switch-Up in your own home! Use this coupon to switch from your old paper towels to Viva® Towels and see why they were recently named a 2015 Product of the Year. Then head back to the Viva® Brand website to dish on your switch for a chance to win a $100 gift card!


**This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Viva® Vantage®.**

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  1. So fun! I’ve been using these same paper towels while doing some major cleaning jobs in our home reno, and I couldn’t love them more. After scrubbing years of grime on a glass door with just one towel, my towel was still intact. It held up like a champ.

  2. Cute post and I actually use Viva paper towels to clean my bathrooms every week. No rag, gross! I clean the entire bathrooms with the Viva towels, right down to the floor and I don’t even need to use that much. I soak some sheets in bleach and roll it and tuck it into the grout around the tub and shower too. Let sit for 15 minutes and voila the mold or whatever that weekly yuk is, is gone. (is this too much information on what goes on over at my house?)
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