
As you know, we’re big fans of making food that can be frozen and used in a variety of ways. One of our current favorites is ratatouille.


For our ratatouille, we used:

  • 2 onions
  • 1 large eggplant
  • 2 14 oz cans of diced tomatoes
  • 2 large zucchini or 1 zucchini and 1 winter squash
  • 2 red peppers
  • handful of chopped basil (frozen or fresh)
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 4 cloves crushed garlic (frozen or fresh)

Dice all the ingredients, except the tomatoes, which already are.

Heat up your pan with several tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat.

olive oil

Put the onions and garlic in the pan and cook until the onions are transparent (about 5-7 minutes).



Add in the eggplant and cook for a further five minutes.

add in the eggplant


Add in the peppers and zucchini and cook for another five minutes.

peppers and zucchini

peppers and zucchini

Add the tomatoes, oregano, basil, and a good amount of black pepper, and cook for another ten minutes or until the eggplant starts to break down a little. We like this version of ratatouille to be stew-like.


cook down

When the ratatouille is fresh off the stove, there’s nothing better than scooping some onto toasted bread slices and enjoying.


Once the ratatouille has cooled, we portion it into flat quart-sized ziplocs for freezing. I love how handy it is to be able to pull out versatile food and have an easy meal. I’ll be sharing some examples in the future.

ratatouille for freezing

While you’re in the mood to cook, how about a chance to win a Kitchenaid Mixer?! Not only are entries easy, but you get a free e-book full of recipes you can use with the mixer when you enter. Pretty awesome, right?!


Good luck!!

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