March Cross Stitch Update

I can’t believe that March is over! Fastest month ever. I got some decent stitching finished this month. I finished two pieces for separate swaps and got a little more work done on the Story Time Sampler. Scott and I were joking about the fact that I love starting new patterns and have to pull myself back from starting everything I have. Most of the patterns I complete are for someone else these days.

I finally finished my Stargate Cross Stitch. It took me three tries, which is unusual for me. I’m not sure what my issue was with this one, but I just couldn’t get it right.

Free Stargate Cross Stitch Pattern

I also finished my Nancy Drew Cross Stitch. This was a lot of fun to stitch up and I’ll be making a second one for myself at some point in the future. I love how the variegated thread turned out.

Nancy Drew Cross Stitch

I call my sampler stitching my selfish stitching. These are just for me and are usually what I stitch when I’ve finished projects for someone else and need a break before starting the next one. I’m really enjoying the Story Time Sampler. I’ve only managed a tad more since I last posted it, but I’m finding it pretty easy to stitch and I absolutely love the colors and stories they’ve chosen so far. This may be one that I actually finish before the year is over!

Story Time Sampler

I’ll just add that the weather has been slightly nicer here and I’ve been able to stitch with the windows open for a couple of days and it has been glorious. I love relaxing warm weather stitching and am looking forward to the coming months.

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