May Cross Stitch Update

My May cross stitch update isn’t overly exciting. While I feel like I did a lot of stitching, I don’t really know that I have a lot to show for it. I bought a lot of patterns in May for swaps for the rest of the year and spent a lot of time planning out each one. This month was so weird with stitching that I think I’m going to finish the swaps I’m in, but hold off on signing up for new ones for a while. The only projects I’m getting finished are going to other people, which I don’t mind because I love my swaps, but I’d like to start finishing up some of my own projects. We’ll see.

My biggest piece of stitching this month was my Lest We Forget Cross Stitch Pattern. I’m pretty proud of this one. I totally misjudged my timing on it and ended up really needing to scramble to finish it, but I think it turned out great.

Lest We Forget Free Cross Stitch Pattern

I also finished two pieces for a Doctor Who swap. Allons-y was a lot of fun to stitch up and didn’t take me long.


I finished this Ten (pattern from weelittlestitches) for the same swap. I bought a few patterns from them for this swap and some others coming up. They’re cute and fast–two things I love!


For my selfish stitching this month, I started a new block on the Once Upon a Time Sampler. I couldn’t tell you the last time I picked that one up, but the q-snap peeks out at me over my other works-in-progress and I feel guilty. It was fun to get a little bit of work done on it.

Once Upon a Time Sampler

I also did a bit more on Mysterious Halloween Town. I have a little bit of hope that I might get this one finished before Halloween this year.

Mysterious Halloween Town

I have so many pieces I want to finish and more I want to start. June should be a good stitching month for me, so hopefully I’ll not only get ahead on my swap stitching, but I’ll make some solid progress on my selfish stitching, too!

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