Donna Embellished Neckline Sweater

November Stitch Fix

I love holiday party season and I especially love a lot of sparkle. I was so excited for My November Stitch Fix to arrive because I had seen them posting fantastic pieces across their social media and had requested one dress in particular. I think my stylist has caught onto my style completely, while knowing that I’m totally open to taking a chance on a new-to-me look. She totally delivered with my November fix, to the point that I’m wondering if she somehow got access to my subconscious wants!

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November Stitch fix

I saw the Helma Dress on their social media and requested it. It was love at first sight for me and I had instant thoughts of holiday parties. My stylist was able to find it in my size and I was really excited to see it in my box. I’ve seen people mention that they haven’t requested items because they assume that featured pieces are in the pricier range. One of the many things I love about Stitch Fix is that they are able to find awesome on-trend pieces that are in most people’s budgets. This dress fell into my regular budget range, which made my love for it even greater!

Helma Dress

Every year, I mention to Scott that I’d like something nice but warm to wear to winter parties. It never in a million years occurred to me to request something! My stylist must have a sixth sense because she sent me the Soma Cropped Faux Fur Jacket and it was spot on perfect. My jaw may have dropped. This was exactly what I have wanted for years and if I could hug my stylist, I would.

Soma Cropped Faux Fur Jacket

Soma Cropped Faux Fur Jacket

My stylist knows that I love sparkle, so she pulled a second dress for me to try in a new style. I have mixed thoughts on this one. It’s the Kattie Dress and I think it’s the right size and I love the sparkly pattern, but I’m not sure about the cut. What do you think?

Kattie Dress

Kattie Dress

I had told my stylist that we’re going to Disneyland soon and asked for a nice pair of jeans. She sent me the Hattie Skinny Jean in a gorgeous navy blue. They’re comfortable and work well with my curves. The color makes them different than any other pair I own and I feel like I can dress them up nicely.

Hattie Skinny Jean

Let’s talk about the Donno Embellished Neckline Sweater. As I pulled it out of the box, Scott said “That’s a you sweater!.” And it so is. I love the waffle texture of the sweater coupled with the sparkle of the neckline. I can’t get enough of it. I will wear this all the time without shame.

Donna Embellished Neckline Sweater

I don’t have a picture of it from the back, but it also has an overlapping split to make it extra fun. I think that’s something that Stitch Fix excels at–giving you classic looks with those punches of fun.

November Stitch fix

If you haven’t been able to tell yet, I look forward to my Stitch Fix every month. My closet has been solidly taken over and I feel so good about it. They’ve given me pieces for every occasion I’ve come across and a great grab and go wardrobe. If you haven’t tried Stitch Fix yet, I’d really encourage you to give it a try. I am happier when I feel like I look good, and Stitch Fix has made me incredibly happy over the last three years.

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  1. That dress (first one) is incredibly flattering! I am also on the fence about the 2nd dress. I like the interesting pattern, but hard to tell if it is keep-worthy. Probably because the first dress looks so amazing.

    Also the faux fur jacket is absolutely adorable!!!! I LOVE it. Never seen anything like it in other fixes. You got a winner of a first box!
    K J Gillenwater recently posted…Review: GRAZE.comMy Profile

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